Bet on e-learning with Kogidu

Kogidu is an e-learning platform for online training that will help you easily manage the training process in your company and will allow you to significantly reduce the costs you spend for the development of your employees.



Collect your courses in one place and easily share them with your employees.


Take advantage of online courses in accordance with e-learning standards


Create educational articles using text, pictures, video, PDF and quiz blocks.


Tests and surveys

Verify the knowledge
and collect feedback.

On-line meetings

Conduct on-line meetings. Train your team in real time.


Motivate your employees with points, rankings, levels and badges.


Create individual educational programs for your employees.


Manage groups, users, privileges, categories and content.


Check the results
and learning progress.



Join our clients

Thousands of employees are already improving their qualifications using the Kogidu e-learning platform.
We are glad that we have our part in it.

Kogidu is the perfect solution for companies that need a simple, cost-effective e-learning platform for remote employee training.
— Karolina Krzywicka-Szpor, Moya
Professional support in every respect. Communication with the client at the highest level. Willisch recommends.
— Damian Karolak, Willisch


Kogidu key Benefits

Kogidu e-learning platform combines ease of use with advanced functions, which makes it an ideal solution
for companies that care about employee development.


Easy to use

As part of the Kogidu e-learning platform, you get a full set of tools that are extremely easy to configure. You can freely scale them to enable online training for as many participants as you need.

Optimise costs

Saving money and time are undeniable benefits of e-learning compared to classic, stationary training. That is why you should consider Kogidu to reduce the costs of educating your employees.

Save time

People using Kogidu have constant access to training - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can choose the most convenient place and time to study - at work, at home, and even while traveling.

Address various needs

The great advantage of the Kogidu e-learning platform is its great flexibility in meeting various educational needs of a organisation. You can on-board new employees, improve skills of your current team or even educate your clients or contractors.


The Kogid e-learning platform is a tool that has already proved successful in many companies. Why? Because it is based on modules with rich functionality. But that's not all: the range of functions is updated with useful new elements. As a result, our e-learning platform is constantly evolving to meet our clients specific needs.

Everything’s under control

We made sure that the Kogidu e-learning platform was not only a tool for the distribution of educational materials. Managers have access to statistics and data on the basis of which they can assess the involvement of trainees and track their progress in learning.


One platform, Many applications

Kogidu will help your employees to increase their qualifications from the day one. Thanks to the broad configuration options, adjusting its functionality to the needs and specificity of your business has never been easier.

Kogidu responsive

On-board new employees

The first days in a new job are always a challenge. Learning new rules of the organisation - tasks, responsibilities, or procedures - can be overwhelming. Make life easier for yourself and new employees with online training. Kogidu e-learning platform will improve on-boarding and make the process friendlier for the new team member.

Support and Motivate

Involve the employee in the education process. Addictive online training platform as the best computer game? This is how the Kogid e-learning platform works. Use gamification elements so that the training attracts attention and engages. Thanks to this, its participants acquire knowledge and competences - effectively and for a long time.


Build competences

A well-coordinated and qualified team is the basis of the company's success. Build a solid foundation for your business. Kogid e-learning platform will allow your employees to develop. Step by step, in a direction that you clearly define. Building soft competences, automating existing procedures, implementing new. E-learning will allow you and your team to achieve your goals.

Monitor learning process

Monitor the popularity of the prepared trainings and their effectiveness, and hold your team accountable for progress. Evaluate your employees and encourage them to expand their competences.


Plan and manage

Kogidu allows you to create training programs tailored to different levels of competence. Plan individual development paths from A to Z. Provide employees with the opportunity to expand their competences step by step. Prepare complete training programs and adjust them to the needs of individual departments of your company.

Educate your Clients

Use Kogidu to train your clients. Let them get to know your products better and engage in cooperation. Use the benefits of e-learning as part of your marketing strategy and build deeper relationships.


Contact us to get an offer